We welcome you to explore the Southland Church website and ultimately connect with life at Southland.
We are a growing and vibrant Christian Church being confronted on a daily basis by a God who is far bigger than any problem or situation we may have and yet is intimately concerned with every detail of our lives.
Southland Church was born out of a desire to see ordinary people doing the extra-ordinary things that the Bible teaches are possible for all believers. We are committed to equipping, training and resourcing believers for ministry that will ultimately take them to the diversity of the modern day market place.
Our services are intentionally designed to prepare God’s people for works of service in the marketplace (Ephesians 4:12).
We’d love you to join us on this exciting journey as we eagerly wait to see God break into the the church and marketplace with His presence and power.

Our Heart
Worship, that helps us worship Jesus in the first person; we need a face to face encounter with God whenever we come together. Our worship should bring us into an intimate relationship with Jesus.
Scripture teaching that honours the authority of Scripture and empowers people to live in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Ministry clinics; times when we practice hearing God’s voice and responding to Him appropriately with the various gifts of the Spirit. We are committed to praying for the sick and seeing the kingdom of God break through into the lives of ordinary people.