Adelaide is known as the city of churches. It is true, however, that many of our church buildings are now being used as restaurants, nightclubs or commercial buildings. Culturally and spiritually, Adelaide is conservative; the large majority of churches being Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican or Uniting Church of Australia. South Australia was the only state of Australia settled by free settlers, many Lutheran Christians fleeing religious persecution in their home country settled in South Australia.
Adelaide is a city of around one million people. It is a well-designed city bounded by the Adelaide Hills to the east and the Gulf of St. Vincent to the west.
Southland Church is located in the southern suburb of Pasadena.
Southland was planted by Rob and Debbie Norman, with a vision to reach the un-churched and equip Christians for life and ministry.

1991: Rob and Debbie and their three children, began meeting as a home group with one other couple and a single man in their home, a group they never intended growing into a church. This was pre-church-plant boot camp!
1995: Rob and Debbie were formally welcomed into the Vineyard Movement at a ceremony conducted by John Wimber in Perth, Australia on February 26, 1995. Southland was the first Vineyard Church to be planted in South Australia.
Southland Vineyard Church was launched publicly at Flinders University in April 1995, at that stage we were a group of around 25 people. Twelve months later, the church having grown to about 70, released a church plant in Northern New South Wales, several families moved on to be involved in this and other church plants.

1997: In July, 1997 Southland Vineyard Church moved into leased premises in the Pasadena Shopping Centre with around 90 people. On the second November, 1997, Rob Norman, our senior pastor was ordained as a minister of Gospel with the Association of Vineyard Churches, Australia. Costa Mitchell, National Director of Association of Vineyard Churches, South Africa and John McElroy, Area Pastoral Coordinator with Association of Vineyard Churches, Australia officiated at Rob’s ordination ceremony.
2000: On March 8, 2000, Southland Vineyard Church purchased 16 units in the Pasadena Shopping Centre, Pasadena, Adelaide, South Australia. The auditorium, a former supermarket, having a seating capacity of around 300. We also fitted out a large well equipped children’s church facility, a cafe and a community outreach centre with emergency food relief facilities and counselling service for people with addictions and social difficulties.
2001: Towards the end of 2001 Southland Vineyard Church released a church plant in Hobart.
2004: In March 2004, Southland Vineyard Church began to experience renewal. This in-breaking of the kingdom of God was accompanied by physical healings, deliverances and spiritual phenomena. Since this time we have seen these “signs” ebb and flow with various moves of the Holy Spirit.
2007: In late 2007 Southland Vineyard Church signed a Development Agreement to allow the redevelopment of the Pasadena Shopping Centre. This project would ultimately see a new shopping centre completed by January 2012 and new church facilities including a 500 seat auditorium, children’s church, cafe, offices and ministry facilities. The 1700 sq m facility opened up new possibilities and strongly reinforced our vision for the Church In The Marketplace.
2008: In October 2008 Southland Vineyard Church moved into temporary, but well-appointed, premises at the Southern Business Centre, St Marys, SA. These premises would be our home until the completion of the “Pasadena Green”, shopping centre and church facility.
2010: After an initial delay, due to the Global Financial Crisis, demolition of the old Pasadena Shopping Centre began in December, 2010. Within two weeks all that remained of the old Shopping Centre and Church facility was some rubble and scrap steel!
2011: The whole of 2011 seemed to be consumed by the construction of the Pasadena Green Shopping Centre. Practical completion was made at Christmas, 2011.
2012: The first service in our new facilities at the Pasadena Green Shopping Centre was held on 29th January 2012.
2016: On 11th March, 2016 Southland Vineyard Church changed its name to Southland Church.
2021: In December, after 27 years in ministry at Southland, Rob and Deb Norman announced to the congregation that they were going to Queensland for Rob to take up a position with the Australian Christian Lobby. Garry and Sarah Grosvenor were ordained as Pastors of Southland Church on December 9.
2022: In February, Deb and Rob departed Adelaide for life and ministry in Brisbane. Garry and Sarah commenced as the Lead Pastors at Southland Church. A new chapter continues to unfold.
2024: Butterflies Play cafe commences at Southland Church as a service and outreach opportunity to the marketplace community.